About Me

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Eco-Stylish Pets
We created Eco-Stylish Pets to stay true to our concern for the environment and the welfare of our pets. But, that doesn’t mean your four legged friends have to compromise on style to be “green." We are making every effort to provide our customers with the safest natural pet products available. We have searched the globe for products that are manufactured with natural, renewable or recycled materials. We have spent a great deal of time interviewing manufacturers to determine how, with what and where products are manufactured. Our pets need us to make good decisions for them. We realize not everyone has time to do this. So we do it for you. With four dogs of our own, we know how much you cherish your friends.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Spring is coming!

Happy Sunday...relax

Saturday, February 25, 2012

They sure love their walks!

Friday, February 24, 2012

It's a Beautiful Day for a Walk

If you are reading this, you should get away from your computer and walk.  Grab the dog's leash and poop bags and go.  http://ecostylishpets.com/category_12/Dog-Leashes.htm
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eco Stylish Pets Is Now Offering Carruth Studio Sculptures

EcoStylishPets.com is excited to announce the addition of Carruth Studio Sculptures to their unique offerings of pet products. Elizabeth Daschner stated, “The beautifully artistic Carruth sculptures and plaques are the perfect addition to our website.” She went on to say, “Our clientele is that of the sophisticated pet consumer and I am sure they will enjoy displaying the Carruth artwork in their homes and gardens.”
George Carruth has been creating these amazing works of art since 1983 in his studio in Waterville, Ohio. He has even been asked to design pieces for US presidents.
EcoStylishPets will start by offering the Carruth Studio plaques and sculptures depicting cats and dogs.
Eco Stylish Pets is an environmentally conscience company that believes there is no reason to sacrifice style for a quality pet products. We offer dog collars, dog clothes, dog beds, dog treats, dog carriers and dog toys made from organic, natural, renewable and recycled materials.
If you would like to learn more about us go to http://ecostylishpets.com/pages/about.htm
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

13 Excellent Tips for Doggie Bathing at Home

Expert Author Elizabeth Daschner 
  1. First of all, you need to relax. If you are nervous and tense your dog will sense it. If you are calm, he will have a better chance of staying calm.
  2. If your home is cold; turnoff the air conditioning or turn up the heat.
  3. Brushing your pup will reduce the amount of bathing required. Daily brushing helps keep the coat clean and tangle free. Sometimes too many baths may lead to dry skin.
  4. Consider the size of your dog. Little dogs can be bathed in the sink. This will give your back relief from bending over. Larger breeds will need to be placed in the shower or bath tub. In either case the dogs will need warm water, a non-slip mat to stand on and a hand-held shower head or kitchen faucet side sprayer.
  5. Using a pet shampoo is good idea because it is specifically formulated and pH balanced for your canine's skin. The addition of a coat conditioner will make brushing and grooming the long-haired breeds much easier after bathing.
  6. Bath time should be a bonding time for you and your furry friend. Make it a pleasant experience by offering your dog treats to reinforce positive behaviors.
  7. Slowly get your dog used to the warm water by gentle spraying your dog from tail to the back of her head. Never start the bath by spraying the dog in the face. Be sure to test the water, on yourself, before applying it to your dog. The water should be lukewarm or tepid. A dog can't tolerate very warm or hot water. A dog's sensitive skin can actually be burned if the water is too warm or hot.
  8. When shampooing your pet, first refer to the recommendations of the shampoo you are using for quantity. Start shampooing from the tail and move to the back. Next shampoo the neck and belly. Shampoo the head last being very careful to keep shampoo out of the dog's eyes and ears. Cotton balls can be used to keep the shampoo and water from entering the dog's ears.
  9. Use the bath time as an opportunity to give your dog a complete skin and body exam. Check for bumps, lumps, bites and cuts. The best time to do this is when you are rinsing the shampoo off your pup.
  10. When it is time to rinse out the shampoo, rinse in the very sequence of the shampooing. Start with the head and end with the tail. It is always best to rinse twice to thoroughly remove the entire shampoo residue. Give extra attention to the areas between the toes and legs.
  11. After bath time dry your pal with a soft absorbent towel. Microfiber towels are very absorbent and very soft. Long haired breeds may need a quick blow dry. It is best to only use blow dryers designed for pet grooming. Human blow dryers are too hot in most cases. Shorter coats will dry quickly.
  12. Once the dog is dry she will need a good brushing. Bathing will accelerate the shedding process. A good brushing is the perfect finishing touch to remove all the loose hair and make your pups coat shine.
  13. To cap it off, reward your dog with a yummy treat. This is the perfect way to end with a positive experience.
Bathing is an important part of your dog's medical health. Aside from the aesthetic value, bathing should be considered as important as diet, exercise and dental care.
Check out our dog grooming products and dog treats at http://ecostylishpets.com. We know you care about what's happening to our planet, but you just don't have time to do the research to insure you are purchasing products that are "green." You can rely on us to do this for you. Eco-Stylish Pets make every effort to offer eco-friendly products from companies around the world with a focus on companies that proudly display the "Made in the USA" label. If you would like to learn more about us go to http://ecostylishpets.com/pages/about.htm.